Friday, November 7, 2008

More recognition of the value of outdoor learning

While we were at the BGEN (Botanical Garden Education Network) conference we discovered that the Welsh Assembly’s new Foundation Phase for 3-7 year olds favours a play-based approach to learning, and that 25% of the children’s education should be delivered outside. We were excited to find out about this, as it demonstrates recognition of the importance of natural outdoor experiences for developing minds. Cognitive learning cannot just be taught in the classroom, it depends on having opportunities to develop physical, emotional, social and conceptual (common sense understanding of the world) knowledge, all of which are learnt through first hand outdoor experience.Although England is running behind as far as legislation is concerned, we are definitely moving in the right direction. The "Ofsted's October 2008 report evaluates the importance of leaning outside the classroom and demonstrates that high quality learning outside the classroom is a significant factor in raising standards and improving personal development. Among the key findings the report showed that hands-on activities led to improved outcomes for pupils and students, including better achievement, standards, motivation, personal development and behaviour. For further information see and follow links for more information on October 2008 Ofsted report. The manifesto (2006) on Learning outside the classroom can be seen at hope that parents too may stop wrapping their kids up in cotton wool and denying them opportunities to play outdoors. Children's health, happiness and learning is not only dependant on what school they go to, or how much homework they do, but also how many opportunities they have to make a den or camp in the woods! Lets hope more children will get to experience these opportunities so there will be fewer of them spending hours in front of the TV and more outside making mud pies!

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